
We carry our smartphones everywhere, which means digital marketing is EVERYWHERE! That’s why we aim to understand what makes your brand unique, how we can make your targeted audience stop their scroll, and how we can position it in a way that will make them take action.

Driving online traffic.



The sky is the limit when it comes to digital marketing. To find out more about what is all involved, what it costs, and the value, check out our FAQs.

What does digital marketing cost?

That depends on what we’re doing! We’ll work with you to provide an estimate on your investment that is unique to your campaign, needs, and audience.

Overall, if you’re looking for a marketing budget the U.S. Small Business Administration recommends spending 7-8% of your gross revenue on marketing. There is also a general rule of thumb that you should aim at spending between 2-5% of your sales revenue on marketing. Of course, this will vary if you’re in competitive industries, have hefty growth goals, or other initiatives.

    What's the value in digital marketing?

    We could go on a long dialogue and try to sell you on it, but we’ll let this research speak for itself…

    68% of all clicks go to the first five positions in search results. Digital marketing helps you rank better with more valuable content.

    On average, people spend around five hours a day on their smartphones. Reach them where they’re at.

    Email marketing has an average return rate of $41 for every $1 spent

    SEO marketing has an average ROI ratio of 22:1.

    52% of brand discoveries trace back to social media feeds.

    What does digital marketing include?

    Digital marketing can be broadly broken into 8 main categories including: Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Analytics and Affiliate Marketing. Basically, it’s any form of marketing (whether you’re paying for ads or just creating content for people to organically go to) that’s online.

    Strategy brings success.

    did you know?

    52% of brand discoveries trace back to social media feeds.

    68% of all clicks go to the first five positions in search results. Digital marketing helps you rank better with more valuable content.